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The ERP Market Sizing, 2006 – 2011

Báo cáo thống kê chi tiết tình hình thị trường phần mềm quản trị doanh nghiệp ERP từ năm 2006 và những số liệu dự báo thị trường giải pháp ERP tới năm 2011 do hãng nghiên cứu AMR thực hiện năm 2007. Bản báo cáo này nằm trong Market Sizing Series được thực hiện hàng năm của AMR.

Kỳ phát hành: 2007

Cơ quan chủ quản : AMR Research

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List of Tables

Table 1: ERP vendors ranked by application revenue, 2005-2006

Table 1a: Application segments of ERP vendors based on total revenue, 2006

Table 2: ERP vendors ranked by license revenue, 2005-2006

Table 2a: Application segments of ERP vendors based on license revenue, 2006 (subscription, host, SaaS)

Table 3: ERP application revenue and share by revenue type, 2005-2006

Table 4: ERP license revenue and share by application segment, 2005-2006

Table 5: ERP license revenue and share by customer company size, 2005-2006

Table 6: ERP license revenue and share by geographic region, 2005-2006

Table 7: ERP application revenue estimate by revenue type, 2006-2011

Table 8: ERP application revenue share by revenue type, 2006-2011

Table 9: ERP application revenue growth rates by revenue type, 2006-2011

Table 10: ERP application revenue estimate by application segment, 2006-2011

Table 11: ERP application revenue share by application segment, 2006-2011

Table 12: ERP application revenue growth rates by application segment, 2006-2011

Table 13: ERP application revenue estimate by geographic region, 2006-2011

Table 14: ERP application revenue share by geographic region, 2006-2011

Table 15: ERP application revenue growth rates by geographic region, 2006-2011

List of Figures

Figure 1: ERP application revenue estimate, 2006-2011

Figure 2: ERP vendor license revenue share, 2006

Figure 3: ERP application revenue share by revenue type, 2006

Figure 4: ERP license revenue share by application segment, 2006

Figure 5: ERP license revenue share by customer company size, 2006

Figure 6: ERP license revenue share by geographic region, 2006

Figure 7: Top 10 ERP vendors by 2006 total revenue share

Một số dự báo thị trường ERP 2011:

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